28 Apr 2024


BillionGraves Team Achievements 

All– Many of you have seen the event that we launched on Veterans Day in the US: Team iPad Giveaway In the effort to continue building a bevy of image-takers that can keep our powerful volunteer transcription team busy–we have launched the following event: BillionGraves…


What a response! 

As many of you may recall–we posted some encouragement in the form of an email plea for more images. The response on that very day–was overwhelming. We experienced the largest single day of uploads ever recorded. 20% more uploads than our previous biggest day ever…

Release Notes

Android Update Version 1.3 

Today we released version 1.3 of the Android version of the app. Most of the updates are things you won’t notice—fine-tuning, bug fixes, etc. However, with this update we’ve made peace with several phone models that were formerly hostile to the BillionGraves software. Android phones…