Boom-ba-da-boom! Drumroll, please! Announcing BillionGraves July’s Leaderboard Contest winners!
Congratulations to the top 15 uploaders and the top 15 transcribers during the month of July. And congrats to 20 more random winners as well!
Each of you has won your choice of a terrific best-selling Nalgene 32-ounce water bottle OR a $10 Amazon gift card.

July’s Leaderboard Contest Winners for the Top 15 Uploaders
User Name Photos Uploaded
JankaBart | 11035 |
lindsay | 10264 |
Billy | 10185 |
kj | 7164 |
Otafuko | 6993 |
oils | 6251 |
Rami Tanska | 6250 |
MuscleToneTrio | 5351 |
Auli Karppinen | 4545 |
Maples | 4531 |
mccarty_family | 4093 |
cynbri6 | 3927 |
BValaski | 3814 |
cjpowney | 3673 |
THansen3 | 3261 |

July’s Leaderboard Contest Winners for the Top 15 Transcribers
User Name Transcriptions
JoMore | 17394 |
Lelio73 | 16829 |
k_lassman | 15187 |
Auli Karppinen | 13855 |
Lydia Uribe | 8601 |
Alba | 8576 |
ladynwht | 7977 |
tamj1153 | 7477 |
Adam Małecki | 6200 |
mendelzon leonid | 6129 |
GorAM | 6082 |
lesleypacker | 5460 |
PatM | 5163 |
tuckersmom | 4942 |
Kris M. | 4918 |
Plus 20 More Randomly Selected Winners
User Name Uploads/Transcriptions
whitem | 2135 |
Kevin | 2377 |
RestoreSoquelCem | 2446 |
GraveHunter | 2200 |
AleMae | 1831 |
LySa DeSoto | 3223 |
sjwilk2001 | 3112 |
Kris M. | 1516 |
michelecoronetti | 2661 |
Rick Foster | 1718 |
korbip | 3678 |
historybev | 4844 |
cjpowney | 4524 |
William Herron | 2591 |
noica | 2658 |
baldeagle137 | 2727 |
LadyG8r924 | 3011 |
AleMae | 2605 |
HistoryHen | 2855 |
Kym Elizabeth | 2586 |
To review the July Leaderboard contest and rules click HERE.
Congratulations once again and many thanks for all your hard work!
Cathy Wallace and The BillionGraves Team
P.S. Now let’s go document some more gravestones!! August’s Contest has been posted!