5 top complaints- Why “NOT” to do Genealogy Work
Guest Blog Post BY PATRICK WILLIAMS: When I was a young child, I learned about Genealogy from my Grandmother. My teachers and leaders at church would always talk about it. Growing up as a Mormon, it was talked about a lot in regards to Temple…
Guest Post: Organizing a BillionGraves Project
For the new year we wanted to do something special this week and highlight a guest blogger on BillionGraves today; Jason W. Crews from TheTexasGenealogist.com. ` Jason is a passionate genealogist, born and raised in Grand Prairie Texas. A new volunteer to BillionGraves this last…
6 Million Marvelous Records!
The BillionGraves team is proud to announce that we have reached 6,000,000 records! We are so thrilled about the wonderful progress being made and are excited for the next million records! We couldn’t have done it without the wonderful contributors who are visiting and photographing…
5 Million Mark!
That’s right, BillionGraves hit the 5 MILLION records mark this weekend! And that’s not even counting the 298,000+ images still waiting in the queue! This is another huge milestone for BillionGraves and we can’t thank you enough! This is no doubt due to all your hard…
BillionGraves Partners with GenealogyBank
BillionGraves is excited to announce our new partnership with GenealogyBank. This is a very unique partnership because you now have access to over a billion supporting records that will solve the mysteries in YOUR family tree! GenealogyBank and BillionGraves stand side by side to provide…
Legacy Mobile is Available for Download!
Finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for: Legacy Mobile is available for download from the Apple AppStore! Otter Creek Holdings announced its release at RootsTech2013 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The setting for this announcement was ideal in that this new app will change the…