For those of you who saw our post last week called “The Power of a Picture,” you will be happy to know there was a happy ending to this story.
After reading the story, a few of our readers did some research. One of these people was Christie who commented on the blog post and said:
“I searched Joshua’s Dad’s name on and found 3 documents that were for sure for him. I was able to find his social security number, and found that it was issued in Michigan in 1980. And through Facebook I’m pretty sure I was able to find his Uncle (Dad’s Brother) in Houston, Texas along with a phone number he had posted on one of his photos. So I’m praying that this story has a very happy outcome and Josh is reunited with his Dad’s side of the family.”
Sure enough, a few days later I received an email from Josh saying that with the help of the blog post, Christie, and a few other people who reached out to him, he had been able to locate his family members on his father’s side. He is so grateful for everyone who helped in his search.
THANK YOU BillionGravers for reaching out and helping Josh find his family. You are truly amazing people.
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