28 Mar 2025

Category: Uncategorized


1940 Census 

The 1940 Census is out! Not only can you view the records for free (unlike previous census images), but you can download your research right from the site. An index for the 1940 census does not yet exist, but FamilySearch is providing a way for…


BillionGraves in the News 

Lynn Cassity from The Family Chronicle Magazine has highlighted BillionGraves in the March/April edition of the publication. You can purchase a copy or subscribe to the magazine here: http://www.familychronicle.com/current3.htm On her genealogy blog, Red de Antepasados reviewed BillionGraves and interviewed our own Rob Moncur. BillionGraves…


Tip: Capacitive Gloves 

We found another tip to help you continue to collect images this winter: capacitive gloves. These gloves have conductive fingertips to allow you to use your tablet or smartphone while wearing them! Grab a pair and head out to your nearest cemetery and keep working…